Wednesday, July 20, 2005

LOOOOONG weekend

I have had the pleasure of a very long weekend. Due to my grandfather's memorial I had 3 bereivement days from work. They have been great. We did a lot of traveling this weekend so three days at home have given me a chance to unwind. And the napping! It has been great.

Saturday we went to Canfield to visit a friend of D's, and some of his cousins. We then drove over to my families on the west side of Cleveland. The car trips did give me time to sew the binding onto two of the fleece blankets.

Sunday was the memorial. It was very nice. Many of grandpa's friends and neighbors came and remembered grandpa. Dad had put together a whole photo wall and it was fun to see grandma and grandpa when they were young. We spent most of the day playing with the nieces and nephew. The Pickle loves his cousins and just giggled and smiled as they played with him. It was great to watch D play with all the kids. He convinced Ellie that he was her favorite uncle, and then had to entertain her the rest of the day.

Monday the pickle and I had a nice relaxing day. We went to baby lap time at the library which was so much fun. I am trying to figure out a way that I can go with him each week. It is hard to be jealous of the nanny. Each evening D has come home and asked if I resigned yet. I haven't yet, but would love to go part time. Still biding my time I suppose.

Today the pickle and I are going to head to the store to pick up some purse supplies. Oh and the biggest news? I got the long neck quilting machine. It is sitting in the basement as I type. I can't wait to get it set up and to get down to work. There seemed to be something fishy at the end of the auction. I was contacted by a lower bidder who said they were contacted by the seller offering to sell it to them at a lower price. Our thought is someone hacked into his account. Luckily the machine was delivered last night so there is no problem with him running out with my cash.


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