Summer Plans
I scheduled several camping trips for me and the kids with my parents this summer. Last weekend was our second trip. We went to Malabar Farms. Looking back the trip was great, but we definitely had some moments of sheer frustration. The Pickle was not necessarily on his best behavior and did some major meltdowns for Grandma. I asked my mom for advice and she said that maybe I give him to many choices. That I should just say we are doing this and be done with it.
I also read a tip in some parenting magazine about making a big deal about something that he did right. So, while I might have asked him to put his shoes on, and he hasn't when I see the fit coming on in his eyes I try to quickly think of something that I can make a big deal about that he did a good job about. It's tough, as the fit starts I have found myself saying "Hey! Great job sitting down! Thank you so much, that is a big help when I'm trying to get your shoes on!" So far, it has stopped the fits, but only because I think he is bewildered. The look on his face is "Wait... I was going to throw a fit but now she is congratulating me about sitting down? Huh.. something strange is going on here...."
The Chickadee is just taking notes I know it!
At the farm I was really proud to see that the Pickle was not afraid of the horses. In the past I think he would have been. He even was all about feeding them some hay.
I printed out some coordinates to try out geocaching. We used Grandpa's GPS from his car and it worked out pretty good. The Pickle was excited to see what was in the boxes that we found. We need to find some better goodies to trade the next time we go.
I also read a tip in some parenting magazine about making a big deal about something that he did right. So, while I might have asked him to put his shoes on, and he hasn't when I see the fit coming on in his eyes I try to quickly think of something that I can make a big deal about that he did a good job about. It's tough, as the fit starts I have found myself saying "Hey! Great job sitting down! Thank you so much, that is a big help when I'm trying to get your shoes on!" So far, it has stopped the fits, but only because I think he is bewildered. The look on his face is "Wait... I was going to throw a fit but now she is congratulating me about sitting down? Huh.. something strange is going on here...."
The Chickadee is just taking notes I know it!
At the farm I was really proud to see that the Pickle was not afraid of the horses. In the past I think he would have been. He even was all about feeding them some hay.
I also found some letterboxes around our neighborhood so I plan on taking him on that adventure the next day I am off.
This weekend we have a cousins birthday party to go to. I need to think about a gift. She is turning 8. On her list was temporary hair dye. I am mortified. Hair dye for an 8 year old? Am I overprotective thinking this is a little much for an 8 year old? I think I am going to go the route of an art kit. I don't want to support the Hannah Montana industry, and that was what else was on her list. Oh my... raising little girls!
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