Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The Plague has lifted

Whew... so we have been sick. The pickle started with it, he passed it on to me, I did my best to fight it off but the Chickadee came down with it. Poor poor Chickadee. She had a runny nose and a cough. She wasn't able to eat solid food for a couple of days because it would cause her to cough and up would come what she had just eaten. Luckily, I believe we are all on the mend. Well, D was out of town a bit last week so he caught it a few days after the rest of us, but he is getting better too.

The Pickle has been saying the funniest things when he wakes up from his nap. The other day he told me that there was an orange cat and then the cat turned into me and he was a cat and Heidi was a cat. Another day he woke up and told me the color of everyone that he could think of hair.

I borrowed an amigurimi book from the library and as I was looking though it he asked me to read him the words. He then took the book from me and told me that he was going to make me the pig and could I please get him some pink yarn. It was so cute. I really need to get him more involved in crafts that I do, or do more crafts with him. He loves to paint and color and I need to offer him other options and materials to work with.


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