Wednesday, January 09, 2008


It's nice to be setteling back in to a routine now that the holidays are over and the new year has begun. I'm back on my normal schedule at work. Last week I worked 3 days in a row and it about killed me.

We are still looking for a sitter for Friday mornings for 2 hrs. Push comes to shove, I'll try and flex my work schedule, but I think that a neighbor might watch the kids for us. I need to give her a call tonight to be sure. Also, we can always fall back on our sister in law. I just hate to have her come out for such a short time, and through morning traffic.

I have pulled out the blanket that I started to crochet a couple of years ago. It was a lot bigger than I remember. I now have the biggest ball of yarn ever and it is impossible to keep the pickle away from it. He is all about pretending to be a cat lately and cats like to play with yarn. I have started crocheteing it into a new blanket but might have bit off more than I can chew. The yarn is very nubby and probably won't show the pattern so well, so I probably should have chosen something less complicated. I'm going to give it a few rows and see how it goes.

I signed the kids up for swimming lessons for the next 3 months. D and I will each take a kid. It should be a nice time, but I'm not excited to be in a swim suit! I have my baby weight back down, but things are in different places than they were pre-baby and what used to be firm I'm starting to think will never be firm again.

The Chickadee has mastered sitting on her own. She can't get into the position but can hold it when placed in it. I started to go back through the pickels nanny diaries and realized how much more his sitters were focused on activites and things for him than Heidi is exposed to. I will need to work on that on the days that I am home. She can sit in the high chair so I'll see what she thinks of cold spagetti and other things to mash about.


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