Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Things accomplished

I actually got moving this weekend and got some things done. My parents came down on Saturday and mom and I tie-dyed 50 shirts for her client. Things went pretty well, until I found out their was dye on the floor, which happens to re-activate when you walk on it with wet feet, and therefore allows you to track it around the house. Luckily it did not end up upstairs, but I did have the fun of moping the basement.

I also moved the hooks on the basement door from the inside of the kitchen to the outside, by the basement and I put up one coat of chalk board paint. I think it looks pretty good. I am hoping that it helps reduce the amount of clutter collecting around the edges of the house.

My next step, start on the quilt. I have some motivation for tomorrow. D's parents are coming in town and D and his dad are going to the basketball game. This leaves me an his mother to ourselves. I have come to realize that we have very little in common and while she is D's mother, and I am civil and polite, I have no desire to be friendly. I just constantly feel like she is collecting information on me and D and the pickle and that nothing discussed with her is private. I have learned to keep my mouth shut while around her. So I'll spend most of the evening upstairs working on the quilt while she watches TV downstairs.

But it is about time I got moving on that quilt. The premise is easy and it should be quick to piece together once I get started.

The pickle is amazing me every day. He has recently started showing a flare for pretending. He puts the cabbage patch kid on the potty. After watching the end of the car race this weekend her reenacted the car rolling over and skidding over the finish line a few times. It's pretty cute. He is very into 'pie' lately, even though he has never had any. There was a story in his magazine about a cat knocking a pie off the table so now when you ask what he wants to eat he says "pie". That or "moose" which referrers to the moose munch Carmel/chocolate popcorn that my mom sent him for valentines day. Which, is beginning to make me think he might have a corn allergy. Every time he eats it he gets bright red blotches on he cheeks. Something to talk to the pediatrician about.


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