Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The more things change the more they stay the same

I'm not sure what I want to do with this space. Clearly it has been a while since I posted or visited. I think about it, then just don't do it.
Pregnancy is going well. I feel lots of kicking and thumping going on in there. I feel so much smaller this time now, than I did with the Pickle. Also I'm still in that stage where people aren't sure if I'm pregnant, or just fat. The news has slowly been making the rounds at work. It is funny to see peoples reactions. Especially when they find out I am further along than the two women who announced at 9 weeks.

We had our 20 week ultrasound a few weeks ago. D and I are thinking girl, although we don't officially know. Depending on which ever Chinese prediction chart I look at one says girl one says boy. It was the same with the Pickle.

Crafting has taken a back burner lately for house work, and organization. I have really been trying to purge my unecessary items and not collect more. It is a slow process but the house is starting to come together a little more than before.


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