Happy Birthday Baby B!
On the elevator ride up to my desk this morning I was thinking how I really got a lot done this weekend. Then I started to tally it up... I baked a cake, well 2 sheet cakes and a little baby cake, I decorated the cake and... uhhh.. oh yeah I rolled t-shirts for tie-dying... and what else... yeah that's about it.
The cake was for a friends boys first birthday. I had a great time making in and trying out some new techniques. It came out a little lopsided due the everything in this house sloping the the center, including the oven, which leads to a cake with one corner higher than the others. I was nervous that Belinda was not going to like the cake, but it got rave reviews! People even asked if I would do cakes for other people. Here are some pictures of my efforts.
The baby cake.

The sheet cake:

I was thinking about the amount of butter and confectioners sugar involved. I think that there is at least 5 lbs of butter, maybe 6 in these cakes! And probably 6 pounds of confectioners sugar. They sure were good though!
I loved making the rockets and see using this technique in the future for other things.
And a couple of pictures of the birthday boy.

Those cakes look great!
Bet they tasted yummy too with all that butter and sugar.
Nice job!
Cute cakes! And your birthday boy looks very happy!
So cute!! Looks yummy and it appears he thought so too!!
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