Friday, March 16, 2007

Wednesday Got Worse

After my spectacular fall on the way to work Wednesday I was pondering what else might go wrong on my way home that afternoon.

When I got home our sitter (D's cousin) mentioned in passing that our old sitter had stopped buy to pick up some of her stuff. She gave our old sitters name, but mispronounced it. I thought this was odd, because our old sitter, we'll call her Mary, has moved to Cleveland. I asked what she had picked up because it's been 3 months since she worked for us and I had not run across anything in the house that was hers.

When our current sitter said that she had gotten something up stairs I was immediately suspicious. After D's cousin left I did some looking around and found that the change in our change bucket was gone. I looked a little further and found that my ipod and speakers were gone from the kitchen. I called D's cousin and to get a little more information about what the person looked like who came to the house. And to specifically ask if she had a piercing. Which she did.

Sigh, this was not our former sitter and friend "mary" as I expected, but a girl that who we had hired to watch the pickle who only lasted 2 days. After showing up 2 hrs late the second day, we paid her only $45 instead of the $50 that we pay for a full day's work. She argued that she deserved to be paid the full wage saying that we pay by the day, not the hour. I said that was true, but her day was to start at 7:45, not 9:00.

D was out of town when this all went down, and when he returned he called her and told her that we would not be needed her services. Hind sight being 20x20 he should had told her that we were going with family as a sitter and that we would love to be able to call her for an evening sitter and then never call her again. Instead he told her the real reason, that she was not reliable, too concerned about payment (she asked for more money before even starting) and just didn't click. She said that she could take us to small claims court over the 5.00. We laughed this off as bravado and she ended up hanging up on D.

Well, I guess she got her $5.00 and more. I am so irate. We have filed a police report and according to a family member who is a police officer D is going to attempt to call her and try and get our stuff back w/o having to press charges.

I am so over the loss of property, but the fact that she invaded my home by saying that she was a friend of ours just makes me so irate. I'm at a loss. What would she have done if no one was there? She had locked herself out of the house the first day she worked for us and I told her to get in. She walked past several other items that she could have taken, might she come back for them, or tell someone else to go get them?

Her parents own a business near us, and after D attempts to get a hold of her he is going to go speak with her father. I don't expect much from that except for D to be thrown out. Who knows... the father could even be in on it. I am just at a loss, it swirls around my brain all day long. Her talking to the Pickle like she was a friend while stealing from us. I am just sick. What sort of person does that? Is she so hard up for money? Was it just spite? Is she on drugs and if so what else might she do?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Katie
That is unbelievable! Surely knowing where her Dad is will help you get a result? Unless of course that he is similar in his standards!

4:07 AM  
Blogger Cathy said...

She sounds like a loser all around. I'm sure karma will pay her back one way or the other. I hope you are able to get your stuff back without too much hassle.

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what an awful story - what a horrible girl. I agree that karma will get her in the end, but I hope you get some things back too.

also a big thank you for linking to my little blog.

4:12 PM  

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