Monday, January 14, 2008

Night vs Day

This weekend D and I had the opportunity to see a demonstration on exactly how different our two children are from each other. Saturday we all went to the first swimming lesson. The lesson is for under 3 year olds so both kids are in the same class. D took the Pickle and I had the Chickadee.

We spent the first 25 min or so of the class going over how it was run, which is pretty much we sing song in the pool while trying to get the kids to be comfortable in the water. The Pickle spent this whole time crying and didn't have any interest in singing wheels on the bus or the hokie pokie. He definitely didn't want to play Humpty Dumpty at the edge of the pool and scooch into the pool. The Chickadee on the other hand just looked around with a little bewildered look on her face as if to say, "Hmmm I don't know what's going on but these people have always been nice to me."

Near the end of the class the instructor dolled out floats and bath toys. The chickadee was wrestled into a baby life preserver (wet baby, wet life jacket... not so easy!) D and I switched kids and before the end of the lesson the Chickadee was dreaming of old home week and had fallen asleep in the pool. The Pickle had begun to relax a bit after I promised that I would not drop him. By the end of the lesson he was crying over leaving a whale tub toy behind. Which was an improvement over crying about being in the pool.

That's a great real world example of my kids personalities. The Chickadee goes with the flow with the Pickle is not so sure about new experiences.


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