Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I got my first CD!

I received my first CD from Katy! It's great. Rainy Morning music. I love the "I need a hero" re-mix. I have my song list done for my CD's and 2 of them burned. I'm out of the office all this week so I'm hoping I can get them burned on the computer here at home. Due to the heat I have had some issues booting up.

I have been an ice cream making fool lately. I am testing out several recipes, trying to find the perfect base. The first one I tried was the French style, which is like a custard and is cooked. The second recipe is an American style and does not cook the eggs. I bought pasturized eggs though, unlike my in-laws, I'm willing to cough up an extra buck or two in order to avoid bloody diarrhea!. So far my preference is the uncooked version, but it might be because I used double strength vanilla in the cooked version. I tried to cut the amount in half, but it might still have too much in it for my taste. D is doing the taste test this evening and will tell me what he thinks.


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