Monday, September 15, 2008

Off the Grid

We did it.... we are now off the grid. Ok, we have been unceremoniously kicked right off with a huge wind storm last night. The power went out about 4:00 pm and hasn't been back on since. I had my sister in law head to my house and get the food out of the freezers. Unfortunately we had just stocked up 2 weeks ago so I didn't want to imagine 6 months worth of meat slowly going to waste if the power didn't come back on soon. There is talk that the outages might last 7 days or longer. D was scheduled to go out of town, but has changed plans due to the power outages. Thankfully! Although I'm not sure that it makes that much of a difference, cooler with ice for the milk instead of the fridge. Go to the store every day or every other instead of once a week. D did make a good call in not going to the store Sunday before the power went out.

I took the kids camping this weekend. We went to John Bryan state park. We did some Geo caching, and found 2.5 caches. I only count a 1/2 because one was a 2 part cache and we found the first part, then the next day my parents went out and found the 2nd while I stayed back with the kiddos.

While we waited as Chickadee napped the Pickle and I worked on his "Peace Book" as he calls it. He likes to have a word document pulled up and then hunts and pecks letters to the words that he wants me to spell. Tractor, Truck, Racing, Wriggly, Camper, Bushwacking. It is fun to catch a glimpse of his thoughts through the words that he wants spelled. It is amazing to watch as he slowly figures out where the letters are and the fact that he really does know what each letter is as you say it out to him. It is funny to me how often C and A come up in the words he is thinking of. Of course we also have to write every ones name out. Soon he will be spelling his name on his own. I think he about has it, but just hasn't made the leap yet.

He started school 3 weeks ago. We are starting to get into a groove for that. The chickadee loves to go and pick him up after school. As we turn into the drive way she starts squealing and chattering away. The teachers say that Pickle really likes the math puzzles. I keep trying to direct him over to the art easel, but it just isn't his thing. He and I need to do more of that at home, or I need to do it and he needs to see me to peak his interest again.


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