Friday, March 17, 2006

So I was having this dream...

I have this friend who I used to work with who loved to tell me about the dreams she had the night before. They were always very vivid and no matter how hard she tried to explain what happened it would always fall apart in the end. You just can't explain a dream to someone else because one moment you are talking to your mom and then the next moment it isn't your mom anymore, but your sister, but really still your mom and for some reason she is eating dish soap, but you're really not sure why... And on and on and on.

So, that being said; I had this dream last night that the pickle was in the bed with us and he had crawled to the edge. He was sort of tangled in the covers and I reached over and grabbed one of his feet. As I started to dig through the covers looking for the other foot I started to wake up. This was when I realized that I was draped across D digging through his covers. About this time he woke up and didn't really appreciate me being draped across him pulling at the covers. I decided to not even try and explain that I was trying to prevent the Pickle from crawling off the side of the bed instead I decided to just play dumb and said "Uh... never mind." as if I had a reason to be digging through the covers and was a little exasperated that he thought maybe I should leave him alone at 4 am.

I don't think that D remembers this event as he has yet to bring it up.


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