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Saturday we held my Grandfathers memorial. It was touching and heartfelt and warm and extremely difficult to get through. Grandpa belonged to a Unitarian Church for over 40 years, it currently has no minister so the memorial was lead by 3 members who have known him for over 20 years. It was amazing, but not surprising to hear people stand and speak about how grandpa touched their lives. The most heart wrenching for me was the night nurse who worked at the assisted living center where he had lived for the past year speak on how much she enjoyed my grandfather's friendship. She was broken up when she said that he was supposed to come back (he had fallen and was in a rehab center until his hip healed). I know that I will see him again someday, and that I carry a piece of him with me everywhere I go.
you are making me cry this morning! I feel the same about my grandmother, that I always have her with me, inside me.
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