Monday, August 08, 2005

A little crafting at last!

I finally got to a little bit of crafting this weekend. I got a quilt loaded into the new machine, my next goal is to get a bobbin wound and then I'm actually going to try and quilt a bit. The quilt is for my new nephew, I'm hoping it will take no time at all to bang it out on this machine.

D and I had a mini-yard sale this weekend. Both our yard and our selection is/was mini. We mad a whopping $7.00 but the real goal was just to get the stuff out of the basement. The kidney foundation will be picking it up sometime this week. It was fun to spend the whole day on the front porch. The pickle and D and I just hung out and watched the neighborhood go by. Not much happens, I can tell you that much. I spent most of my time knitting away on Mr. Dangly, a sort of Monkey pattern I found on a web page along the way. I'll have to find it so I can send in my picture of him when completed. I haven't decided if I'm keeping him yet or giving him to my niece E for her birthday. She'll be 4. I was thinking of knitting one for each of the kids and using it as their tag for Christmas. I think that by then I could get 4 done. I see each one being different colors, maybe even some clothing. But I don't want to get to far ahead of myself!

I have some onesies the I'm going to print on. I just can't decide quite what yet. My brother talked about wanting a t-shirt that said "Leave me alone. I'm local" so I was thinking about printing that for his baby. Also "I puke without warning" is always appropriate.

MIL is back from South Africa. She started in with the passive aggressive bizarre comments already. Apparently she doesn't think that the pickle should be standing. I have yet to get a clear reason out of her. He's almost 5 months old. I think she believes that wives tale about bowleg babies. She called yesterday because John came down with food poisoning. She wanted me to know all the details. He didn't want to talk about it at all. Once I told her what I thought it was she decided I needed more details. I told her to call her local health department, but she wasn't so interested in that. I'm not sure what she expected me to do!

I've received 3 CD's so far. It is so interesting to get music from someone you don't know. I have received things I would never have listened to. I love it!


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