To the Pickle

Dear Pickle,
Today is your official 5 month birthday. It is amazing to think about how far we have come together. Remember that first night home, when dad and I thought that babies were over dressed and didn't need that much clothing? Remember how you were cold and cried 45 minutes out of every hour? Remember? Ah, that was a good time wasn't it? I know that when your Aunt Sandy and Uncle Pete came and told us that you were cold, you wondered why they let us keep you and why they didn't take you home with them, to a house where people know how to dress babies properly.
Alas, you were stuck with us. Look how far we have come! You are now sleeping in your crib the majority of the night. It is only taking us about 35 minutes, including nursing to get you down to bed at night. You no longer hate the bath, you hold your own feet up while we change your diaper, which honestly, isn't all that helpful but we appreciate the gesture. My heart melted the first time you tried to kiss back when I sent you a kiss. You must have seen the joy and amazement in our faces because all you do non stop now is blow kisses. Your gurgles and coos and screeches and grunts are your own little language that we are slowly deciphering.
You have started to be a little hard on the nanny, so if you could give that a break we would appreciate it. Your ability to roll has started to make things difficult. No longer can we set you down and leave the room and find you where we put you. You have started to pin wheel and roll so it's not a surprise to find you facing the other way and half way across the room. I am caught between wanting to keep you as you are always and the excitement of what you might do next.
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