Tuesday, September 13, 2005


We are back to having Nanny issues. I am about at my wits end with this. Our nanny has put in her notice and decided to move to LA. She will continue to work for us through the end of the month if we need her. Yesterday evening she called, and wanted to know if she could take the pickle and go baby sit for some other family. We said no, that she couldn't do that and she just did not understand why we would have a problem with it. We have been very lenient with her, allowing her to take him to visit a friend of hers a couple of times, she has gone out to lunch with a friend etc. We have had discussions about how the pickle is her 1 and only priority while she is working for us and yet she thinks that it would be ok to take him to someone else's house, who we don't know, so that she can watch their kids and make a little extra money? I don't think so! The most frustrating part, for me, is that she brought it up again this morning when she came to work. This has been theme, she continues to push what she wants long after we have given her our opinion on the matter. We have two interviews this week for potential replacements. The one we are meeting with tonight is very promising. She is older (35y) so I hope that we would not have to deal with some of the issues we have had. She is married and I assume that her husband works, therefore we would not be the sole support for her household. I think that while this is a frustrating time, things are going to work out for the best. Our current Nanny was just not a good fit for our household.
On other fronts.... mom is setting up a table at a community fare. She is going to sell some baby related embroidery. I am thinking about throwing together a few baby slings and sending them up with dad this weekend. Just to see if they will sell. In order to to this, I need to put together an instruction sheet for the slings. That is what I'm dragging my feet on. Oh yeah... and sewing them out!
Things are looking promising at work for me to move into a part time position. There is going to be one posted next week. There is one woman who has more seniority than me who may or may not be interested in it. I'm hoping that she has come to terms with full time work, or isn't interested in the area (vector borne). My fingers are crossed!


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