Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Movin' on..

The interview with a potential nanny went great last night. D and I talked and we have pretty much decided to hire her. We have one more interview tonight but I don't think she can be better than our current candidate. One positive thing regarding this nanny is that she is older and doesn't have the stresses that a college kid has. She doesn't need to pay tuition, rent etc. She probably won't be tying one on every weekend and is much more likely to show up and show up on time. I feel good about this choice. She said some things that I really liked such as how she wants to spend time loving on a baby that she would watch. Or current nanny was trying to push independence and I don't think was spending enough time in contact with the pickle and I hoped she would. The other comment that the new nanny made was that she didn't have problems having a spoilt child but she did not put up with a brat. I think that we are on the same page with this woman.

I'm waiting to hear who I'm matched with for the secret Pal 6. I was contacted by my spoiler... HI KIRSTIE!! but I haven't received the person who I'm supposed to spoil. I e-mailed my group leader and hopefully will find out soon. I was at the store yesterday looking at some things that I was thinking about getting, but then I decided I didn't know if they knitted, or crocheted or what their other interests were so I had to hold off. Hopefully it gets straightened out soon!

While at the store I saw a new magazine that looked pretty interesting. I think it was called Get Crafty or some thing like that. In it, there were all sorts of ideas. I came this close to getting it for the cute flower needle point patterns in it but then thought long and hard about my current unfinished projects and decided that I couldn't commit to it at this time.


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