Thursday, September 15, 2005


We called the possible nanny candidate last night to offer her the job, and.... she said she wasn't interested. What?! Ultimately she was looking for less hours. I wish she would have said something while we were talking to her. I feel like we might have been able to work something out. Or if she would have done full time for the next month or so there is a good possibility that I will be going part time at work. The other interview we had set up took another job, so we never even met with here. We are getting down to the wire. Hopefully we will get some more interest this week.
D is on travel status starting today. He is going down to Alabama to do something with home owner claims from Katrina. The Pickle and I are on our own until Saturday.
I finished knitting the pink Mr. Dangles last night. Tonight I'm planning on stitching him up and stuffing him. I need to dig through the stash and see what color combo to do the next one in. Hopefully I have something girlie. I'm making 3 and planning on using them as the name tags on the Pickles cousins Christmas gifts. I thought that I'd sew the girlie ones a little dress and embroider their names on it, and for M, make some overalls or something and put his name on it. 1 more to knit. When I get done with that I'll have to decide if I'm doing one for S in South Africa.
I am excited for new TV shows. Survivor is starting tonight! I need to tape it, knowing that 8:00 is when the Pickle goes down. I don't want to miss any of it. I really need to get on ordering a DVR from the cable company.


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