Monday, October 03, 2005

Fingers crossed.

I think we solved the nanny issue. We hired another girl to work Mon-wed-fri. She seems great so far, works part time at Gymboree so hopefully has lots of ideas to keep the pickle occupied during the day. D and I have been talking and we have decided that if I can't go part time at work I am going to quit. It was nerve wracking to make the decision, but now that it is made, I'm ready to move forward. I spoke to my supervisor to see where things stood. She said that she would check things out up the ladder and see what our bureau's policy for part time is. This was a little surprising to hear, since up until now I was told that I had the support through our bureau and the only stumbling block would be at the division level. Well, like I said, I have come to terms with staying home and I'm actually looking forward to it and sort of hoping that part time is no longer an option. D and I would need to change our lifestyle a bit. We have never really followed a budget, but never lived outside our means. I guess that what we were saving for a rainy day might be start to be used.

Otherwise, we had a nice relaxing weekend. Sunday we walked down to the coffee shop and met a couple with a 2 year old little girl. She was very cute and very interested in the pickle.

The pickle is getting over a bit of a cold. It was waking him up during the night. It is hard to breath around a stuff nose while sucking your thumb. I think it has cleared up and hopefully he will go back to sleeping some longer stretches.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay! I hope the nanny issue is solved.. no one needs that stress... I will be sending your 1st package soon! I woudl have sne tit already but I was out of town last weel.. up in your neck of the woods... but I was in Dayton. Hope you have a decent Monday. - Your Secret Pal

12:58 PM  

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