Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I might just cry.

So, that whole nanny issue? Not really solved. The girl that we hired to watch the pickle Tuesdays and Thursdays decided not to show up yesterday. No phone call, no message, nothing. We have been calling her cell phone and never get an answer. I just don't understand. She worked 1 week, seemed to enjoy the job, like the pickle they got along well. I just don't know who does this sort of thing. It's not like this is a job where if you don't show up someone else is there to cover for you. If you don't show... no one does! We hired the girl who works M-W-F to come 5 days starting next week. We need to fill in for her for the end of this week. I may end up taking tomorrow off, and then we might have a friend watch him Friday.
I spoke to my boss about going part time again and told her that I need to know as soon as possible. If I can't go part time I told her that I would probably quit at the beginning of December. I have pretty much come to terms with the fact that this is going to be what happens and I'm almost excited for it to occur. The hardest part now is just not knowing what way things are going to go.
I had a long weekend this weekend and it was great. D went with some friends to Penn State for the football game so it was just me and the pickle. It was cute to see his face when D came back on Sunday. Sort of like "Hey... I remember you, where have you been?" The down side to all this pickle time is that D is less and less able to sooth him at night so I'm the one up calming him back to sleep. I think there are some teeth on the move in there and he is waking 2x at night now. Once like clockwork at 11, right when I go to bed, then again about 3.
I did manage to get some crafting done this weekend. I finally finished quilting the kingsize quilt for a friend at work. I have the binding ready and just need to sew it on. I'm hoping to have it for her by Monday. I also started my final Mr. Dangley. This one is in purple for L. Next I need to make a little clothing for them and embroider the kids names on them. I reserved a ton of knitting books from the library and they all came in at once. I got some that I really like and I am gearing up to try and knit the pickle a sweater. But first I'm trying to get those unfinished projects off my list.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

in 2-3 days you will have goodies at your door, so you have that to look foward to. ^_^ I hope you like what I sent. It's just soem fun stuff to play around with. And I was in Kettering I believe or pretty close to it I think when I wen tto Dayton.

5:17 AM  

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