Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Days Off

Our sitter took last week off which allowed me to have a stretch of 4 straight days with the pickle. We had a wonderful time. We took long walks and visited friends in the neighborhood. Pickle loved sliding down Molly's slide with the little dip at the end. I could just see that feeling in his belly reflect across his face as he zipped down the slide.
One day we spent about an hour at the science center. He could hardly play with all the time he spent watching the other kids. He was dying to have one of them play with him. As we stood at the water table he would drop the toys to grab on to kids sleeves and shirt tails. I'm not sure what the protocol is in those situations. I want to step back and let the kids negotiate between them what the next step is, but then under the watchful eyes of other mothers, I don't want to be seen as not watching my own kid and letting him bother other kids. Most kids would just pull their sleeve back or walk away. One little boy took to giving the pickle some toys to play with and dumping water down water wheels for Pickle.
The weather warmed up and we spent more time outside. It is amazing to me to watch the Pickle identify kids. He stood for the first time with out support this weekend. We were outside and he was pushing around his little tractor. A little girl was riding her tricycle down the side walk on the other side of the street ringing the bell. Pickle was crazy about that bell and started shouting across the street and pointing. Before he realized it he was no longer supporting himself on the tractor. I stood holding my breath and trying to get D's attention. A moment passed, Pickle realized that he wasn't leaning or holding on to anything and he plopped down on his but. I amazed at the rush of elation over such a small thing. Bittersweet to me as I think about the likely hood that he will be taking his first steps soon and I might not be there to see them. While at a friends this weekend he was a hairs width away from letting go of me and stepping over to D. We are definitely on the verge.
We had a blast playing with the kids up the street. They love the Pickle and he sure likes playing with them. They pass him around and pick him up and he never complains or cries. He does give some grunts when they hug a little too tight around the middle. D and I were playing chase and tackle games with the kids. Pickle did not like it when they chased his dad around or all piled up on him. He didn't mind so much when they piled on me!
These kids stand on the curb waiting on D and I to come out to play. With one set we never see their parents playing with them. I wonder about these parents and what could they be doing inside that is so much more important then spending some time playing tag with their kids. I hope that I always spend a little time each day being joyous and silly with my kids.

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