Friday, June 30, 2006

Weekend Plans

Well, I feel like I have a long weekend coming on, but then I don't I'll be back at work on Monday!

Mom brought me down the screen printing supplies last week and I have attempted to re-claim the two screens. I can still see what was printed before, but I think I'm going to give them a try this weekend. I have thoughts of printing up some fabric. I need to see what I can draw up and scan in.

We have had a major sitter issue this week. We had recently hired a new girl who worked for us for 2 weeks, gave us her 2 weeks notice on Monday, stating that she found another position where she could make more money. Then she never showed up on Wednesday. This is so frustrating to me. She is the second person we hired who no-showed us. I don't understand this generation. This isn't a job like working at the mall, there isn't anyone else to fill your spot if you don't show up to work. I can't figure out why she even bothered to give us notice in writing stating her last day of work if she wasn't intending on coming back. We do owe her one day's pay, but she will need to contact us to get it. I have considered stopping pay on her last check, which she hasn't cashed yet. But I have decided to just let it go. It would do no good, it would undo what she did, it was pay for work she had done. D did call her references and asked if they had heard from her, I know that was a little spiteful. I'm not sure if it made him feel better or not. I think "What comes around goes around." But then I wonder what did I do that cause this to "go around" to us?

We currently have an arrangement with my sister in law to watch the pickle. She has said she would do it permanently, but we are trying to find someone else. Not because she wouldn't do a great job, just because I am concerned mixing family in on raising a baby. I wouldn't want any hard feelings to come about.

In the mist of all this messiness. D and I have been talking about baby 2. It is a little surprising to hear him talk about being ready to start trying again since he was the one most shell shocked by the arrival of the Pickle and the effects it had on his sleep/schedule. I called my doctor to find out some information regarding the fact that I still haven't had a period. Long of the short I am going to stop pumping at work and see if that will lower my prolactin levels enough to get things re-started in that area.

Friday, June 23, 2006

ComFest Here we come!

This weekend is Comfest (Community Festival) here in Columbus. You could say that comfest was D and my unofficial first date about 10 years ago if you want to call being taken someplace and then left with your dates friend while he leaves to go play softball a date. (The first official... was a sit down dinner birthday party for a friend of his, who wasn't really expecting an extra person... uh awkward? Ha how did we end up together with 2 such dates to start?) Anyway, we have been attending the festival every year since. Last year we took the Pickle and got him caught in a down pour. This year I think he would love that. My parents are coming down on Saturday to baby sit him so D and I can have a little night life. The festival is 3 days of music on about 5 stages, lots of local craftsmen/women and artists. As D says, everyone's a hippie for one weekend a year at comfest. He has been planning on which food vendors he is going to be visiting since Monday and didn't pack a lunch today to get a jump on his list.
I'm looking forward to discovering some new music. Unfortunately we are going to miss my favorite local band Bucktown Kickback due to Michael's first birthday party. I am excited to see what sort of things the street vendors have come up with this year. There is always something unusual.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Scared me again

Yesterday the Pickle had his 15 month check up. D walked in to get him in the morning and he seemed a little winy. Instead of standing up and bouncing at the side of his crib he continued to lay down until D picked him up. Then the pickle whined for me instead of dad. During they day I thought that he felt a little warm once, but then thought that it was because we were playing and it was warm outside. We rode the bike to the library and swung on the swings. Pickle loved the swings. He would tip his head back as he swung up and just giggle and shriek.
In the afternoon we headed for his check up and he seemed to be his chipper self. The Dr. Checked him out, he is in the 80th percentile for weight (27 lbs, 2 oz) and 70th percentile for height (31.75 inches). He got his Prevnar vaccination and we headed home. When we got home he seemed a little fussy, and clingy and I just chalked it up to getting the shot. He went down for his nap and everything seemed normal.
After his normal nap duration he woke up and I went in to get him and he was standing at the edge of his crib. I picked him up and he felt warm, so I stuck a thermometer sticker under his arm and went to change his diaper. As I finished changing his diaper he whined and started the seizer. I could see it coming moments before it happened and did not panic. I talked to him while it went on, lasting about 2 and a half minutes, the whole time pleading in my mind for D to get home quick. After it was over he was limp like the last time, he was hot but the I had not read the directions on the thermometer yet and was unable to really compute what his temp was. I took him to the bathroom and wiped him down with a cool cloth as he started to come back. It seemed like his legs come back first and he has a hard time moving his arms and neck for a while after the seizer. I carried him downstairs and called the doctors answering service. D came home while I was on the phone with them. The Pickle fell into a fitfully sleep and we waited on the doctor to call us back. About 30 min later I talked to her and she thought that he might have been coming down with something and then the Prevnar pushed his immune system and caused the fever and a spike. She told us to keep an eye on him and if he had another one during the evening or night we were to take him to Children's hospital. Pickle recovered for the evening and slept through the night. He was up this morning about 5 and just wanted to nurse and nurse and nurse. He felt very warm but in the morning light I couldn't see the thermometer. We gave him a dose of Motrin and about 6 when I read the thermometer it was at 101. D stayed home with him today and when I left the thermometer was reading 96. D is going to call the doctor and take him in today to have him checked out.
It is such a helpless feeling to not be able to do anything to stop the seizer once it starts. I just stayed with him and rubbed his back and talked calmly to him hoping that he could hear me and not be scared. After he had his first seizer in February I took the doctor's to heart when they said that he would probably never have another one. Now I'm on constant alert for any movement or slight increase in temp that might mean one is starting. Our doctor told us to start motrin at the first sign of any fever and alternate motrin and tylenol every 3 hours. We saw a different doctor in the practice one visit who said that this was not proven to prevent them. I hope he out grows this soon.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Crafting in my mind

I have been getting a few things done crafting. I have set aside the Pickles sweater and moved on to some more pressing creations.
I keep coming back to an idea that I have had of creating a soft puzzle out of felt animals. I have searched and searched for a pattern of some sort put I have come up empty handed. McCall's has a vitage pattern for making square animals, but that isn't quite what I'm looking for. I am thinking that I will need to draft it myself to satisfy my imagination.
This weekend I moved my sewing machine out to the front porch and made some serious headway on Ellie's 5 ft tall teddy bear. The pattern called for 4 yards of fabric and I must have had the wrong width because I didn't have enough for the head. I remedied that this weekend and just need to trace it, cut it out and sew it up. I am dying to see Ellies face as she pulls out a teddy bear bigger than her!
I am revisiting my folding doll house and have thoughts of putting another one together. Maybe the drought is over???

Friday, June 16, 2006

Good things

1.) The Pickle's walking!
2.)5 ft tall Teddy Bear for E's 5th birthday.
3.) Warm summer days.
4.) Playing with the kids in the neighborhood.
5.) Knitted dog for M's 1st birthday.
6.) Hanging out in the evening with D.
7.) Fathers day on the way.
8.) Shrimp boil with friends.
9.) Dad playing Baseball at Jacob's field.
10.) 90 degree weather and brand new central air.

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