Thursday, January 29, 2009

The New Year

Well, I guess that we are well into the new year.  I have been thinking about resolutions and goals for this year.  I have been leaning toward things that are less concrete and maybe more 'emotional'.  
Somethings that have come to mind is to be less defensive.  Instead of immediately thinking that someones intentions were to hurt my feelings or to be mean I am going to try to look at their actions or statements as coming from a place of love.  How will that change my perspective?  If someone says or does something that seems hurtful, if I don't accept it as a malicious act, will I be less likely to hold on to it as a painful memory or action?  
Secondly, I am interested in tracking where my money goes.  What am I spending my money on.  Asking myself "why am I buying this?  Where will this go in my home?"  Imagining what it will feel like to have it.  Do I feel good?  Relieved?  Stressed? Do I want D to know I have it or do I feel the need to hide the purchase?  I have been practicing this a bit this month already, and I have avoided putting myself in places where I know that I buy, just for the thrill of buying (I'm looking at you Target!)  I have made it through this month with no activity on my credit card and I can't wait to enter that into my Quicken account and note that payment as saved instead of spent.
My third 'resolution' is in reference to the food that I eat.  My goal is to eat more vegetarian meals, but that is proving to be difficult.  D does not like to sit down to dinner when there is no meat on the menu.  I on the other hand think of it as a challenge, and an adventure in cooking and eating.  So I may need to make him some meat for dinner.  Those dinners that I do cook with meat, I have been using smaller portions, instead of 2 chicken breasts, only use one.
Of course I always have the plan to sew more, make more do more.  Right now I am not going to Joann's or craft stores until I do something with the supplies that I have in the basement.  I am having a difficult time getting motivated to do that.  I have plans for scrap quilts to use up the boxes of fabric in the basement but feel overwhelmed by what I have to get started.  Ugh.
And finally... or at least finally at this moment; is to be a kind, caring but firm Mother.  To say "Yes" when my kids say "play with me, cuddle with me, read me this book."  To be present in their lives and active in their play.

P.S. Other things ... go back to making bread, yogurt, things from scratch.

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