Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I see the light

I did get the binding sewn on the front of the king sized quilt last night. Whew. I can't wait until this quilt is done and out of my unfinished pile. I think it might take me just as long to pull all the safety pins out of it as it is going to take me to tack the binding down to the back. But I know I am at the home stretch. If I can get it sewn down this week I hopefully can take it to the Laundromat this weekend to wash it. It is way to big to fit in the washer at home. With this off my plate I need to start a baby quilt for a friend. She specifically ordered one that I designed and now I need to get it done because she would like to give it as a Christmas gift. I need to get shopping on the fabric for it.

The Pickle turned 7 months old this past weekend. It is so amazing how much time has passed. He has really hit a time of change. Gone is the little baby who just cuddled. He is quickly moving from army crawling to crawling on his knees and has started to pull himself up to a standing position. Everyday is something new. I have started signing to him with the hopes that he will pick it up. He watches very intently when I sign to him, but he has yet to sign back, or I'm not catching it. I think that I can convince myself that he has called me "mama". It doesn't happen very often by every now and then he looks at me and says something that is a whole lot like "ma". Very deliberate and different from the Da da da babbling that he does. He loves to sing in the car and we have a fine time rolling down the road both singing along to what ever is on the radio. Neither of us know the words half the time, but it doesn't really matter.


Blogger Peggy said...

The Pickle is beautiful! I'm in love with all his hair. My guy's locks are still pretty thin.

8:07 PM  

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