Wednesday, November 16, 2005

So this is what it feels like.

Before I had the Pickle I used to talk about how I absolutely needed 8 hours of sleep and there was no way I could function on any less. After having the Pickle 8 hours of sleep were not happening and what surprised me was out of the two of us, I was the one with the ability to function on 4 hours or so. The Pickle turned 8 months old yesterday and decided to grace us with 8 or so hours of sleep. Now... These were his hours, I only got 6.5 since I can't seem to go to bed at 8pm like he does. But today is a whole new world! Who knew how bright the colors really were or how sunny an overcast and windy day could be. I am hoping to not jinx it and return to the nights of 2-3 wakenings. Saturday night, when he was up from 1-4:30 am seems so long ago already.


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