Shook Free
I am still TV free for the most part and surviving. It has felt great to sit in my craft room and get down to work. I have thought about turning on the television but then decided that the time I would waste looking for something to watch wasn't worth it. I have been listening to This American Life on line while I work away. I am disappointed that my public radio station no longer carries this show. At least I can still binge on it on line. D is probably so tired of hearing about stories that I have heard on TAL for the last week. It is almost like reading blogs, trying to explain a story told by someone who you don't really know but yet some how fits into your life.
I have set aside the runner for my MIL for the time being. I am just not liking the results and need a little time apart from it to decide how to fix it. Instead I have been working on a soft doll house for my niece. Her birthday is Friday and we will be celebrating with her this weekend. I am so excited to work on this that I could not sleep last night. My mind just kept churning with ideas and steps that I have to be sure not to forget. I currently have the garden and the living room done. The kitchen and bedroom are waiting for furniture and then the whole thing needs to be put together. I am loving the process and hope to make a few to throw together a shop on etsy.
The Pickle is making leaps and bounds by the day. He has learned to sign "more" and does it all the time. I think that he may think it means food. D was changing his diaper at 6:30 am yesterday and he was signing more. He has discovered that he can climb the stairs so the blockade has moved. He was so fussy and tired yesterday that I have a feeling we are about ready for a developmental leap of some kind. I can't wait to see!